Exclusive for Corporate Employees (PGC1921C)
Customer Details
Registration Type :
Company Name* :
Company UEN :
Your Name* :
Address 1* :
Address 2* :
Address 3 :
Country* :
Postal Code* :
Personal Email Address* :
Mobile Phone No.* :
Name to be printed on Fleet Card * :
(19 characters including space)
Vehicle Number 1* :
Payment Details
Payment Type :
Bank Name:* :
Bank Code:* :
Branch Code:* :
Account Name:* :
Account No.:* :
Service Fee(s)
1.Refundable security deposit : $100.00
2.Penalty per Deduction Failure: $40.00
I agree to subscribe to the above mentioned scheme as governed by the Terms and Conditions of Abecha Pte Ltd’s Bulk Fuel Discount FleetCard Program.
These terms and conditions are subject to amendment by Abecha as and when necessary, notice whereof may be given to me in such manner as Abecha deems proper.I also confirm that the information given above is true and correct.
PDPA Declaration
By clicking “Submit” button, I consent to the collection of my above personal data by SESAMi/Abecha. In addition,